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1Password Settings ​

General ​

Default Vault ​

  • Save new items in: Default vault

Security ​

Unlock ​

  • Require password: Every day or every week

Auto-lock ​

  • Lock after the system is idle for: 1 minute
  • Lock 1Password when computer locks: On
  • Allow 1Password to prevent your device from sleeping: Off

Clipboard ​

  • Remove copied information and one-time passwords after 90 seconds: On

Concealed Fields ​

  • Always show passwords and full credit card numbers: Off

Privacy ​

Watchtower ​

  • Check for compromised websites: On
  • Check for vulnerable passwords: Off
  • Check for two-factor authentication: On
  • Check for passkeys: On

Browser ​

  • Connect with 1Password in the browser: Off